Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Supernatural Flute


  1. Ini makna yg trsimpan apa y? Bsa tlong ceritanya.. Matur suwun

    1. Terima kasih atas kunjungan blognya, untuk lebih tahu bisa kursus di BEC Pare Kediri

  2. 1. The farmer is being confused by the swarm of rats
    2. A young man has a magic flute
    3. if it is sounded, the magic flute can hypnotize the listener
    4. A young man offers to help repel rats
    5. Youth plays the flute from the rice fields to the mountains
    6Rat Mouse is hypnotized by the sound of the magic flute
    7. Farmers are grateful to the young rat repellent
    8. Youth get a lot of money in return
    9. Farmers' fields have not been disturbed by rats
    10. Youth entertain villagers with magic flutes


A Supernatural Flute