Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Simple Present @ Simple Past @ Present Perfect @ Let's
Present Continuous @ Future Be + Going to @ Have to  @ Future Will


1. She Loves Him, but He Doesn't Love Her

This chant practices the simple present and simple past in positive and negative statements. It also reviews the expressions That's too bad! What a shame! expressing sympathy. Students should note the use of but to connect one positive and one negative idea.

1. She Loves Him, but He Doesn't Love Her

She loves him, but he doesn't love her.
That's too bad!
What a shame!

She gave him a book, but he didn't read it.
That's too bad!
What a shame!

She bought him a tie, but he didn't wear it.
That's too bad!
What a shame!

She loves him, but he loves Kim.
That's too bad!
What a shame!

2. What Do You Want to Do?

This chant practices information questions using the simple present, followed by let’s to make a  suggestion, and present perfect statements I haven’t been/seen/taken/done. Students should note the use of the expression for ages to indicate a very long time.

2. What Do You Want to Do?

What do you want to do?
Let's go to the zoo.
I haven't been there for ages.

Where do you want to go?
Let's go to a show.
I haven't seen a show for ages.

How do you want to go?
Let's take the bus.
I haven't taken the bus for ages.

Where do you want to eat?
Let's eat in the park.
I haven't done that for ages.

3. When It's Midnight in Osaka (song)

This chant practices the simple present and present continuous. Student should note the use of the preposition in with cities or countries (in Paris/in Korea). This chant is also presented as a song on the tape accompanying Grammarchant.

3. When It's Midnight in Osaka (song)

When it's midnight in Osaka,
it's morning in L.A.
When the sun comes up in Paris,
they're asleep in Monterrey.

When the sun shines in Korea,
they're sleeping in Peru.
When it snows in New York City,
it's spring in Timbuktu.

4. Oh No, We Missed the Bus!

This chant practice the change of tenses in one conversation from simple past to future with be+going to followed by the future with will and the simple present. Students should note the use of have to to do indicate necessity and  hope to indicate a positive feeling about the future.

4. Oh No, We Missed the Bus!

Oh no! We missed the bus!
How are we going to get back, Jack?
     We'll have to wait for another bus.
     Don't worry, it won't be long.
I hate to wait.
     I know you do,
     but we have to wait, Kate.
I don't want to wait.
     I know you don't,
     but we have to wait, Kate.
How long will it be?
     It won't be long.
I hope you're right.
     I'm never wrong.

5. What's the Matter? You Look Tired

This chant practice the simple present with simple past. It presents appropriate language to respond to bad news (Oh no! That’s too bad/I’m so sory to hear that).

5. What's the Matter? You Look Tired

What's the matter?
You look tired.
You look awful.
     I got fired.
Oh no, that's too bad!
I'm so sorry to hear that!
     What's the matter with Joe?
     He looks tired.
     He looks nervous.
 He got fired.
     Oh no! That's too bad.
     I'm so sorry to hear that.

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